MoCo ARES Meeting
Dayton Area Chapter, located at 370 West First Street in downtown Dayton. It is the first building east of I-75 on First St on the south side of the road or to the right. Parking is anywhere around or behind the building, including between the Red Cross and the school. Do not block any Red Cross vehicles. Access the building from the front door closest to 1st St. All are welcome to attend. NOTE: I75 exit ramps to downtown Dayton (Third & First Street) are closed due to construction. You will need to take either US35 to Jefferson Street or the Main Street exit off of I75 to access downtown Dayton.
Membership Update
It is that time of the year to update your membership registration with Montgomery County ARES. We have made some changes to the Registration Form to better capture information that has to be reported out in our monthly and yearly reports to the ARRL.
To update your information, the Montgomery County ARES application (FSD-98) can be found at the following web address:
Amateur Radio Operators Needed to Support Miami Valley Hospitals
Montgomery County ARES is responsible for providing emergency communication support for the main and south campus. Ham radio operators are needed to operate the amateur and hospital radio systems that are stationed at the various locations within the two hospitals. There are some specific requirements and guidelines that must be followed in order to be a volunteer radio operator at the hospital. For more information please contact Mike Carter – W8BSI email:
Upcoming Events
Robert M. Flory – KA5RUC
Emergency Coordinator
Montgomery County, Ohio
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®), Inc.
Cell: 937.238.0436
MoCo ARES Net: Tuesdays 8PM on 146.820 (-) PL 77.0
District 3 ARES Net: Wednesdays 8PM on 145.110 (-) PL 67.0
MOCOARES weekly net is on Tuesday Evening at 8:00 PM on the 146.640 repeater except the second week when it’s on the 444.250 repeater and WE8R also has a digital net that evening.